Kudos to Raspberry Pi

A couple of years ago I have started to experiment with the Raspi. Well, what can you expect from a computer that costs less than 50€? I thought. But as time went by, I started to use them more and more. Now I have had 4 of them (V3) in production for quite some time, mostly to control radiators and other smart home components through openHAB, an open source control center software for smart homes.

Today I was checking on one of them and while logging in, it’s welcome message filled me with joy:

Last login: Thu Oct 22 07:38:33 2020 from
Mi 9. Dez 13:02:39 CET 2020 @ xxxxxxx
Uptime: 13:02:39 up 634 days, 23:17, 1 user, load average: 0,00, 0,00, 0,00

For almost 2 years the little guy was up and running, doing his work. Enduring internet outages and what not. I had not expected such a great performance. I hardly dare to upgrade him to the new OS version. Not for that I don’t trust the update process (I have upgraded most of them already to Buster), but because I want him to continue present me so pleasant stats!

PS: Kudos also to the folks from openHAB. While I find some functions quite cumbersome (not a JAVA friend here) I’m really happy with the RESTFul API that they provide. It has allowed me to develop some very helpful functions for automation on top of openHAB.

Keep on truckin’


Die Pandemie ist da. Und sie bleibt noch einen Moment. Die Schulen machen wieder teilweise dicht. Und die Altenheime. Und wer weiss noch wer sonst. Digitalisierung könnte es richten. Aber das haben wir irgendwie verpennt. Vielleicht wollten wir es auch gar nicht.

Aber jetzt ist das Problem da. Und was passiert? Es hängt in den Schulen an einigen wenigen Lehrern. In den Kindergärten können die Leute nicht an den Videokonferenzen teilnehmen, weil der Computer keine Kamera, kein Mikrofon und nix hat. Er ist wahrscheinlich noch älter als ich.Und das will was heißen!

Jetzt haben wir Hilfe angeboten. Also keine abstrakten zukünftigen Verbesserungen, die über das Wasweissichwasministerium angefordert werden können. Sondern krasse Eigenleistung. Was haben wir gelernt? Das geht zu weit. Keiner will’s wirklich haben. Keiner hat geantwortet.


Paying the Bill

When we started to get serious about our holiday apartment business in 2008, I also got serious about providing IT support for the business.

At the time, it was very important to have your own website. I think about 30-40% of the bookings came from that source. With the little experience I had back then I chose Drupal to build the site. Note: This was before folks were using (i)Pads and smart phones to check for vacation homes. So we ended up with a page that until today sucks on small screens.

Next project was to create an internal system to keep track of our bookings. So I set off to write a small PHP system to create and track visitors, bookings, invoices and so on. What I had envisioned to be a very small app turned into a much bigger endeavour once I noticed that it won’t be just me using this app. So I wanted to add a nice UI and chose a very cool and hyped framework called Angular.js. The initial system booking system went life on my provider’s servers in 2014, the Angular.js version about a year later. Angular.js is now in long-term support. And starting with the next version (2.0) Angular.js was renamed in Angular and it underwent a major redesign and paradigm shift. Needless to say that it more or less requires you to learn a new language called Typescript.

After all that I started to enjoy hacking away again. Looking at the cost structure of our business one of the interesting places where we could lower cost and do some good for the globe appeared to be lowering our heating (aka oil) cost. Around 2016 I had started playing around with an ope-source project called openhab, connecting to closed solutions to control heating radiators. I implemented a system in openhab (or actually using openhab’s REST interface to connect the booking system and the heating control system. That was and is fun! And recently I started using Grafana to visualise the performance of the system. Just to find out that the closed solution (I’m using the MAX! system) is not up to par. So I’m learning a lot about the ‘hidden features’ of MAX! and try to adopt my control center software, running on Raspberry Pi’s at home and in the holiday apartments..

For the past years I was still fully employed. In June 2020 I changed from fully employed to working a maximum of 2 days a week on consulting contracts. This allowed me to sit back and look at the technical debt that I have accrued.

What I learned is:

  • Don’t create a website if you don’t have to
  • If you really need, think twice if you need to use a CRM of if a static page suffices
  • For each and every piece of software that you develop: Never forget the cost of ownership.
  • Write tests and documentation. You will not understand what you did 6 years ago without it!
  • Speed of front-end technology changes far faster than backend: Separate the two systems as much as possible (e.g., RESTful interface)
  • It sucks to use IoT systems (e.g., smart home hard/software) that is a) closed and b) developed with a focus on the hardware). In addition, the cost of the hardware is still very high and the ROI is not coming any time soon. Rather invest into more bold solutions (e.g., heat pump based solutions, solar energy)
  • It was and is a lot of fun to play!

So I’m going to invest some time into

  • Choosing a different technology for re-writing our public website (static page, goHugo?)
  • Learning Typescript (actually started a course @ Udemy)
  • Chose the right front-end technology for the internal app (e.g., React, Angular)
  • Make plans make major investments into saving a) the planet and b) heating cost

I’ll keep you posted!

Meshing it up

Ich kann wirklich nicht erklären, warum es so lange gedauert hat. Aber endlich habe ich mein Gersfeld Mesh-Up Netzwerk am Laufen. Was war das Problem: Wir haben eine Location, bei der vom Provider einfach nur furchtbares Internet geliefert werden kann (sagt der Provider). Die Idee war für eine ganze Weile, dass wir die Bandbreite der anderen Locations (andere Verträge, andere Anschlussmöglichkeiten) koppeln und dann auch bei der unterversorgten Location gute Bandbreite zur Verfügung stellen.

Die Hardware hatte ich schon seit Wochen (Monaten) herumliegen. Heute habe ich sie endlich zusammen gebastelt. Und siehe da: Es ward Licht.

Leute, die Zeit von Freifunk ist noch nicht vorbei. Mesh Networks sind eine Riesen Chance für kleine Orte wie unsere. Jetzt müssen wir nur noch schauen, wie wir alle Punkt mit Linien verbinden!


WiFi für Gersfeld!

Mein letzter Beitrag war “Wir für Gersfeld?”. Viele Worte, viele Ideen, viel ist (noch) nicht dabei rumgekommen. Vielleicht dauert das seine Zeit. Aber etwas ist doch passiert! Ich hatte als eine Idee mitgenommen, dass wir mit einfachen Hausmitteln und Ressourcen-Sharing viel erreichen können. Es ist Zeit, das Frage- durch ein Ausrufezeichen zu ersetzen.

Runde 1: WiFi für Gersfeld!

Angefangen hat es eine kleine Software Firma in der Stadtmitte. Die haben den ersten Hotspot aufgebaut, der nun Freifunk über den Marktplatz anbietet. Im Café sitzen und arbeiten. Was für eine tolle Idee. Wir haben unsere Ferienwohnungen nun auch mit starken Freifunk Hotspots ausgestattet. Es gibt keine Pass-Phrases mehr für unsere Besucher und keine Risiken für uns als Internet Anbieter. Das nenne ich eine Win-Win Situation!

Und es spricht sich herum in Gersfeld: Mit Edeka Rehm und Bistro Alpina gibt es die nächsten offenen Hotspots. Wenn das so weitergeht, dann bekommt Gersfeld schnell und unbürokratische eine offene und schnelle Internetversorgung für Einwohner und Gäste!

Und die Kosten? Mitmachen kostet einmalig zwischen 25-50€. Das ist für die Hardware, die Ihr anschaffen müsst.

Bistro Alpina

Wir für Gersfeld?

Diese Woche war ich zum ersten Mal bei einem Treffen der Gruppe “Wir für Gersfeld“. Dieser Verein hat sich auf die Fahnen geschrieben, den Tourismus zu fördern und im touristischen Bereich Gastronomie- und Beherbungsbetriebe in Gersfeld zu unterstützen. Hört sich ja erst einmal gut an – schließlich haben wir ja auch einen Beherbergungsbetrieb.

So weit so gut. Es sollen also Touristen (das sind die Kunden, also die Touristen) und die betreuenden Betriebe unterstützt werden. Hört sich gut an. Zuerst wurde auch eine Umfrage veranstaltet, bei der die Teilnehmer dies und das gefragt wurden. Soweit so gut. Unter anderem wurde auch gefragt, wie den der Tourist bucht – es standen zur Auswahl (wenn ich mich recht erinnere): Per Post, per Telefon, über die Stadt, per Internet. ehrlich – bei uns buchen 95% aller Besucher über das Internet. Mein Vorschlag war, diesen Bereich vielleicht etwas näher zu betrachten – also das Internet ein bisschen differenzierter zu betrachten: welche Portale, eigene Homepage, welche sonstigen Kanäle. Da wurde die Diskussion dann lebhafter:

  • Die Stadt tut nicht genug für uns
  • booking.com ist unfair
  • usw.

Was die wenigsten der Teilnehmer glauben: Wir (die Beherbungsbetriebe) werden immer mehr zu Assets, die über die verschiedenen Plattformen verkauft werden. Ich vermute, dass in wenigen Jahren die Unterhaltung stattfinden wird, welche Plattform gerade gewinnt. Nicht, ob uns die Stadt oder der liebe Gott helfen kann. Was der Buchhandel (und viele Bereiche des Einzelhandels) schon erlebt hat, das kommt gerade auf uns zu. Und ehrlich: Es gibt kein Entkommen.

Oder vielleicht doch?

Wissen wir, wer unsere Gäste sind, wer sie sind, was ihnen gefällt, was ihnen nicht gefällt? Ich meine, haben wir sie mal ernsthaft befragt und die Informationen ausgewertet? Vielleicht ist es ihnen ja egal, dass Gersfeld in der Mitte Deutschlands liegt? Und sie haben ganz andere Anliegen?

Wie können wir den Aufenthalt für die Gäste verbessern, unabhängig von unseren eigenen Businessmodellen? Welche B2B Möglichkeiten (auch zwischen Mitbewerbern) würden das unterstützen? Wenn ich meine Gäste in die Sauna der Sonne schicke, werde ich sie verlieren? Ein zufriedener Gast wird vielleicht nach Gersfeld zurückkommen – egal zu wem.

Sollten wir weiter über die Kaskade diskutieren? Oder sollten wir für unsere Gäste lieber den Mitbewerbern in Hilders über eine Lösung reden? Dann hätten unsere Gäste einen Mehrwert!

Basierend auf dem oben Gesagten können wir auch eine Delta-Analyse der Services der Stadt Gersfel machen. Und dann gemeinsam das Fehlende auf die Beine stellen. Besser als Meckern wäre das allemal.

Ach ja – die Stadt und die Kaskade: Kann denn mal jemand endlich dieses Eingeständnis von Versagen und Selbstmitleid von der Homepage der Stadt Gersfeld entfernen? Ich glaube nicht, dass dieser Brief und die Aussage der Nichtverfügbarkeit irgendeinen Gast wirklich interessiert.


PS: Kommentare sind willkommen!

The sharing economy: Uber will stop ignoring rulings

Just came across an article in a German internet news portal. The headline claims that Uber won’t ignore official rulings anymore. That is an interesting statement. It makes it clear that Uber thought in the past it is above all and everybody. And it leads to another thought: At least here in Germany they had to stop the bullying and behave. I really appreciate that the German cities have started to take a stand and show the Überflieger that the same rules apply to everybody. The Germany manager of Uber, Christian Freese sounds now like the wolf who ate chalk. He even claims that Uber is trying to cooperate with the traditional taxi firms.

UberBlack has been prohibited in Berlin, and UberPop has been prohibited Germany-wide.

And while we talk about it: Berlin has taken a stance and is reclaiming rental space from AirBnB and similar companies. But more on the friends-rent-to-friends companies in a different post.

Some links to recent Uber articles:

The sharing economy: The new disconnected precariat?

Many say that the sharing economy creates many opportunities for everybody. Everybody can make a lot of money, and it can be earned on the side. An Uber driver can earn more money than a taxi driver. So I was told by a taxi driver in Berlin who was very angry that he cannot driver for Uber in Germany.

Not sure if it’s true. My Columbian friend told a slightly different story. Translating his thoughts sounded more like he has to drive a few of hours every day to get into positive numbers. There’s gas, loan payments for the car, insurance – well, not sure if he actually pays insurance or if he cheats? Some sources indicate that Uber isn’t really that diligent on checking if their drivers are all insured. Actually – it’s not their drivers anyway. They do not enjoy employment status by any means from what I understand. So if my young Columbian buddy gets sick, he’s definitely not covered by Uber.

Tom Slee’s (see below) book gives us some insight into the financial conditions under which drivers operate. Even if there’s some drivers that earn average middle-class incomes, most of them appear to earn less than the employed taxi drivers after deducting all the cost. And the insurance and social security situation looks rather grim.

I had a lot more questions. Being used to a system where taxi drivers have to pass a test (how shabby this test might actually be) I was wondering if Uber drivers need anything like that. But it appears that those regulatory tests are not needed, according to this blog.

Some links:


The sharing economy: Taking a ride

A few weeks ago I was visiting Washington on business (attending our EclipseCon North America)  when I took my first ride with the Uber service. Actually – when my colleague used the Uber up to get us the driving service of a young Colombian kid that picked us up close to the White House and drove us for 12 miles to our dinner place.

We were a little surprised when the driver advised us that we have to pick up another guest, drive her home and continue our trip from there. Explanation was simply that Uber had just started that service. During the ride, we started chatting a little with the driver. He’d bought the car and was full-time driving for Uber. And he said that he has to drive a lot, because he needs to pay off the car and make some money. We didn’t get into details, and I didn’t ask questions about insurance and so on. What struck me though was his driving style. It was clear that he didn’t know where he was going, and he was closely following the little iPhone navigation app from Uber. He appeared to be quite distracted by it and didn’t pay the attention to traffic that I would have hoped for.  Anyway, we made it to our destination.

Thinking about it later, a lot of questions remained. First of all, I was wondering about the driver’s qualification. He clearly had no local knowledge, and he clearly wasn’t an experienced driver. At least not to the extend that I’m used to from a German taxi driver. His car was new, but my colleague told me that’s not always the case. How can Uber control the status of the cars? And really – I had expected a person that does some driving on the side. But clearly the guy was more or less full-time.

So I started investigating a little, which led me to some interesting sources and insights into the sharing economies. More in the next post.


Global Warming – Local Skiing

Well, I do understand that many people worldwide still don’t believe in global warming. And who knows, they may or may not be right. While most scientists think all the research is pointing towards it, there are still sceptic people who don’t believe. But I leave it to John Oliver to discuss this.

What is becoming clear even to the biggest sceptic in Germany is that having a decent winter ski vacation is becoming more and more difficult. I spent last week in beautiful Bad Tölz with the hope for powder. The idea was to take a bus or the train to a nice ski region close by. Now, turns out that I went hiking along the Isar instead, with the temperature around 10°C. For good skiing, I’d have to travel far and go high up. Way more expensive than I had budgeted for.

Ok. This could be an exception. And next year will be just fine. On the other hand, I’m tracking ski-lift operation in Rhön now since a couple of years on my website. And guess what: Last year was a wash for the operators, and this year looks even worse.

Just when I drove back from Bad Tölz a statement from the German government became public. According to them only one out of ten ski regions in central Europe will be snow-safe in the coming years, and about two thirds of all the ski regions won’t survive, even with artificial snow.

Good that I didn’t buy new skies.