Digitaler Stammtisch Gersfeld

Seit dem Sommer haben wir einen digitalen Stammtisch in Gersfeld. Es trifft sich jung (eher weniger) und alt (eher mehr), um sich über das Thema Digitale Welt zu informieren und sich mit aktuellen Themen hier in der Stadt zu beschäftigen.

Die Idee ist entstanden bei einem VHS Kurs, den wir hier in Gersfeld durchgeführt haben. Die Teilnehmer des Kurses haben gemerkt, dass ein Blick über den Smartphone Rand hinaus interessant und lehrreich ist. Wir haben gelernt, wie wir uns einigermaßen sicher im Netz bewegen Können. Wir haben gesehen, dass electronic banking und Zahlungssysteme wie Apple Pay und G Pay das Leben einfacher und vielleicht sogar sicherer machen. Und wir haben die Web Präsenz der Stadt Gersfeld auseinander genommen und mit den Auftritten fortschrittlicher Städte verglichen.

Jedenfalls haben einige der Teilnehmer am Ende des Kurses Interesse bekundet, sich mit dem Thema Digitalisierung weiter zu beschäftigen. Bei monatlichen Treffen wollen wir einen Kurzvortrag zu einem digitalen oder verwandten Thema hören und danach dieses oder andere Themen vorstellen und diskutieren.

Die guten Menschen der Guten Stube in Gersfeld waren schnell mit im Boot. Und so konnten wir in den Räumen der guten Stube am 22. September unseren ersten Digitalen Stammtisch Abend veranstalten. Einen Monat später bekamen wir einen Blick auf die Arbeit eines Netz Verwalters, und wir freuen uns nun auf den nächsten Stammtisch am 24. 11.

Informationen über den Gersfelder Digital Stammtisch findet der geneigte Leser in der Google Group DG-Gersfeld. Die Teilnahme am Stammtisch ist kostenfrei und jeder ist willkommen.

Screen Scraping

After my last post I was actually contacted by 2 people asking for more current information on the website that I had built. In particular, they were interested in the conditions of the winter sports facilities that we have in the region (ski-lifts, cross-country trails).

I looked around, and the only information available was on the web sites of the facility operators. No central place where all the data was collected and made available. Since I had never done screen scraping before, I wasn’t really sure what to do.

Reading up on Stackoverflow and other resources I learned that I had to read an HTML site, turn it into a DOM object and find the right places with the right information for the facilities (closed, open, good conditions, red.gif, green.gif). Looking around I found a nice helper library that served me very well with my first version: For every webpage to get data from I wrote a little PHP script to capture the data.

This worked well for the first facility, where the website was quite responsive. The second one was making more trouble with regard to response times. Now I had a 6 sec wait before my page was displaying. That wasn’t really acceptable, because I have still 2 more places to scrape.


So I took the Saturday afternoon to make it work asynchronously. It turned out to be quite easy: I continued to use my PHP scripts, but converted them into functions that could be called with AJAX calls, returning JSON data. From there it took only a couple more minutes, and I was finished. Displaying the site itself is really fast again, and since the scraped information doesn’t show up in the visible part of the browser things can take a little longer. But even scrolling down right away is fun: I enjoy watching the data show up!

Easter Snow

Last week I was in southern Spain to prepare for the golf season and to take a couple of days off after EclipseCon 2012.

The most discussed topic was the weather: As to be expected the temperature was just between 16 and 20° C, we saw some rain showers and the nights were not as warm as in the mediterranean summer. This is totally in sync with the weather that you can expect at that time of the year, but the complaints were all over the place.

Just not fair, the people said. I have one week of vacation, and then the weather sucks so badly. So the whole resort was full of whining about the luxury problems that the resort’s patron’s. I actually have no complaints. The rainy day we had we took off and spent the better part of the day in Seville. Even on a cloudy afternoon the Alcazar of Seville is worthwhile spending the whole afternoon! And the other days I was working on my golf game, with reasonable success.

And now I’m back home in Germany and went up to Gersfeld for a late Easter celebration with my family. And guess what: It snows! Do I hear complaints?